5 Passive Income Tips Guide for Debt Free, Stress Free Life!
By Stanley Antoine , Earn , Save, Live Life.
Copyright 2018 @Bagofcents.com
Hello, and welcome!
My name is Stanley , and it is a pleasure to have you here reading and having access to the 5 Passive Income Tips Page.Hopefuly you will take good use of those tips, those are general affirmation and based on my personal experience and i think it will help you to better implement the residual income strategy in a semi-passive way! It could be a strong claim for some but i do believe,if we have the right information in hands, we should be abble to accomplish whatever we want.
Let’s get Started…
Tip 1: Get your finances in order, meaning you will need to be accountable and take note of all your expenses and also calculate what you have left in your pocket at the end of the month in order to make some clear decisions.It is so easy to spend money but so difficult to take control of our money, we want something ,we buy it right away and we say as common…”Ahhh, will have time to pay it later, i have a full month to do so…
Tip 2: Debts in general: What to do with them you ask? You should start by paying as fast as you can the smallest debt that you have and once it’s done ,you attack the second one but make sure to had the money that you have saved from your first paid debt in order to have a snowball effect on all the other remaining debt and in no time ,you will have a lot more money in your pocket.
Tip 3: Do you really need to have the latest cars/trucks on the market or you could just have a regular car/truck for the next year or two,to give yourself a chance to breath and don’t let your debt strees you to death. The stress factor in your Life could be worst than smoking! It could be extreme when you think about it but hey, if it could help you why not.On top of it, we don’t go to the doctor anymore ,with the Dot-Com era, we just google what we need to know or visit our favorite youtube videos with extra informations but always do your due diligence with the information on the internet.
Tip 4: You have to much debt ? You don’t see how you will fix your situation cause it’s already bad as it is!!!Here is a simple solution: Call your bank or Creditor and sit down with the manager and tell them about your situation and see if they are abble to do something? If not, you could sit down with a credit councellor and see what they are abble to do? Debt consolidation could be another option also? Refinance your house, if you have one and have available equity. Sell some unwanted electronics items or non essential items, you will be so surprise about the amount you could have at the end of this exercise and pay some bad debt.
Tip 5: Talk to someone about your issues! We are in a society of me,myself and I and when it’s time to talk about our money issue,ohhh boy no way ! See, if you look at your neighbor,Big house, 3 cars, private college for the kids, fancy dinners, crazy vacations but at the end, not many peoples are abble to afford for “real” this type of lifestyle ,it’s mostly on credit ! Sometime, we don’t talk about the real stuff that do bother us with our wife,husband,kids and friends but at the end, were all on the same boat, we are looking to live healthy,enjoy life and be happy.
Let’s start today by taking those small steps and I’m sure we should be abble to make it at the end, to a better Life, to less Stress and more Love.
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PS Don’t forget to visit my resources page (CLICK HERE) showing you what tools i use and also what is my best recommendation for a simple passive income revenue.
Thank you!
Stanley Antoine
Copyright 2018 @Bagofcents.com – Earn, Save, Live Life.
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