Cash flow is an important factor in financial well-being. While it could be difficult to control things such as your income, you can certainly take steps towards better managing your cash flow. You may not have a significantly large amount of money to invest or put into savings accounts, but even so, there are still things you can do to better manage your … [Read more...] about Manage Your Cash Flow Better
Encourage Customer Loyalty
Every company needs a steady stream of customers to operate successfully, and many companies devote vast chunks of their time and resources to attracting new customers to their business. But, when you devote your time to attracting new customers, you overlook one of the easiest and most effective ways to guarantee repeat sales; retaining your loyal customers. … [Read more...] about Encourage Customer Loyalty
Passive Real Estate
You might be tempted to get started in the world of real estate, but there are many things that you need to consider if you want to make money from it in a sustainable way. It might not be as easy as some people have led you to believe, and you don’t want to overexpose yourself to begin with. We’re going to talk today about some of the approaches you can take … [Read more...] about Passive Real Estate
How To Make Money De-Cluttering Your Home
When you’re moving home, having a cleanout, or taking care of a house clearance after someone has passed away, it can be difficult to know what to do when it comes to sorting out items of value from junk. It might be tempting to just throw everything in the trash and send everything else to goodwill. But you could be missing out on making a good amount of money from your … [Read more...] about How To Make Money De-Cluttering Your Home
Fixer Upper Project
Have you bought a fixer upper with no prior construction experience? Then right now you’re probably feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. You’re happy you’ve bought the house, and you’ve already got a building permit in hand, but now you’re afraid to do anything! After all, you don’t want to make a mistake and have the house cost you anymore than what’s in your … [Read more...] about Fixer Upper Project